Born to insure | News


The reasons individuals choose to work in risk and insurance remain many and varied.

An increasing number actively pursue careers in the sector, some fall into it and there are still a significant number born into it. Through the ability to protect communities and businesses with risk management and risk transfer solutions, the industry appeals to many as being a meaningful choice, regardless of how they got there.

For Soni Srivastava – regional head of corporate insurance, APAC at Deutsche Bank – it seemed like an unavoidable fate.

“My education in insurance started from when I was born as my entire family is in the industry,” she said. “I told my father I would only get into insurance on my deathbed. I was so tired of hearing about it at the dinner table. He had the last laugh though.”

Soni is now also a board member of PARIMA, which will be hosting a conference in Mumbai during 2023.

“I am super excited to have this conference in India,” said Soni. “Risk management is given a lot of importance in India and we have a vibrant risk manager community. There are a lot of smart risk managers in India and they can learn more about best practice at the…

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