CERT Cyber-Risk and Resilience Symposium Registration Now Open


“Organizations are faced with disruptive events causing cyber and physical impacts that are increasing in both frequency and complexity and can no longer afford to focus exclusively on detection and prevention as a strategy,” said Summer Fowler, technical director of risk and resilience in the CERT Division. “The time to prepare and implement a resilient approach is in advance of disruptive events.”

Enterprise risk management and a resilient approach to cybersecurity focus the organization on managing risk to critical assets by optimizing both protection and continuity strategies. Although a daunting challenge, improving an organization’s capabilities does not always require significant additional financial investment.

The day’s keynote speakers are Edward A. Brindley, acting deputy CIO for cybersecurity in the U.S. Department of Defense, and Jerry Geisler, senior vice president and global CISO, Walmart. Additional speakers of note include Jack Jones of the FAIR Institute, Peter Gleason, president and CEO of the National…

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