Mukesh Sharma, a Cyber Security Expert uncloaked Policing Phronesis for Intelligence led Governance Support

Policing Phronesis

Mukesh Sharma, Cyber Security Expert


Mukesh Sharma, Information Privacy Expert

Mukesh Sharma, CEO at CryptoMize, announced to strengthen the company’s roots by unifying Forensics & Intelligence into a combined service, Policing Phronesis

DELHI, INDIA, January 29, 2023 / — Mukesh Sharma, a leading name in Cyber Security and Information Privacy, has recently announced to Strengthen the company’s roots by unifying Forensics and Intelligence into the combined service- Policing Phronesis. This unique combination makes ‘Policing Phronesis’ one of the best solutions which assists various Government Bodies, Law Enforcement Agencies, Defense Forces as well as Private Investigators, ultimately resulting in Smart Policing.

CryptoMize, a Digital Conglomerate Agency, has recently announced “Policing Phronesis.” The company leads with an Intelligence-led approach, allowing police departments to utilize data and information to evaluate crime trends and issues better, thus allowing top decision-makers to efficiently and effectively allocate resources and develop crime-fighting…

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