Norman Marks on YouTube | Norman Marks on Governance, Risk Management, and Audit

> Risk > Norman Marks on YouTube

Norman Marks on YouTube

I have been doing webinars and such for quite a few years now, and many have been posted on YouTube.

The best way to find them is through a simple search of YouTube for my name.

Today, I updated the About Norman page of this website to include links to some of these videos. Unfortunately, the IIA has deleted from their web site the ones I did, notably with Richard Chambers, as part of their program. I am going to see if I can get copies and make them available to you.

This week, I started a new set of content!

StoryTime with Norman is available on my own YouTube channel, I intend to post short stories that I hope will be found amusing, learning opportunities, or both. I have recorded two so far, plus one about my book on cyber risk.

If you like them, please subscribe.
