Quant Mutual Fund’s CIO advocates short-term risk management for alpha generation


The investment landscape of 2023 has proven to be highly rewarding for both investors and mutual fund managers. Among the standout performers in the mutual fund realm, Quant Mutual Fund has distinguished itself, particularly in the one to three-year timeframe.

Sandeep Tandon, the founder and CIO of Quant Mutual Fund, emphasises the potential for investors to generate alpha by effectively managing short-term and near-term risks.

Remarkably, the Quant Smallcap Fund has yielded an impressive 46% return over the last three years, while the basic Quant Flexicap Fund has delivered a substantial 33% return in the same period.

Tandon underscores a shift towards active money management, stating that the previous decade favoured passive money managers, but the current decade is poised for the resurgence of active strategies.

The pharma sector, according to Tandon, is still in the early stages of a bullish trend, with the potential to extend over several more years. Public sector enterprises have moved…
