What Do You Do if a Hacker Takes Control of Your Ship?


NTNU is training mariners on how to respond to a cyberattack in progress

Cyber exercise on bridge simulator
The ship is not behaving as it should. What’s happening? Captain Odd Sveinung Hareide explains to the others on the bridge what he has done, what he is prioritizing right now and the next move. Photo: Eli Anne Tvergrov, NTNU.

Mar 19, 2023 2:50 PM by

Gemini News

[By Eli Anne Tvergrov]

You stand on the bridge and the course is seen digitally. Still, why does the ship continue to turn west?

On the computer screens in the dark wheelhouse, everything looks normal – but outside the window, the land comes dangerously close! What is happening?

Down in the engine room, they report via radio that everything is normal, but they wonder why the bridge has changed course?…

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