¥6.7 billion in digital currencies stolen from Osaka-based exchange Tech Bureau


Osaka-based cryptocurrency operator Tech Bureau Corp. said Thursday it estimates that about ¥6.7 billion ($59.7 million) worth of bitcoin and other digital currencies were stolen from its Zaif platform after its systems were compromised.

In a statement, the company said the heist apparently took place last Friday between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. when the hackers gained unauthorized access to the exchange’s hot wallets, which are less secure and where funds are held for immediate transactions, taking 5,966 bitcoins and unknown quantities of bitcoin cash and monacoin.

The exchange noticed the breach Monday. The company said it promptly reported the incident to the police and Financial Services Agency.

Tech Bureau, which was founded in 2014, plans to compensate its customers for the loss. The firm originally said about ¥6.7 billion was hacked, but the actual amount has yet to be confirmed as the server that was attacked has not been rebooted for security reasons.

The startup also said it had reached an agreement with an affiliate of Fisco Ltd., a Tokyo-based financial markets research firm, who will provide it with ¥5 billion in funds that will go to compensating those whose coins were…
