A young cyber market has matured, but enhancing preparedness and resilience is key: Kreuzer, Munich Re


In a recent interview with Reinsurance News, Martin Kreuzer, Senior Risk Manager Cyber Risks at Munich Re, discussed how the firm stays ahead of the evolving cyber threat landscape and how companies can enhance their preparedness against these threats.

Kreuzer offers his perspective on the current state of the cyber re/insurance marketplace, noting, “We’ve seen significant growth in the last decade, and a young market has matured. The insurance industry now understands cyber risks better.”

He emphasises that Munich Re, along with the broader industry, has developed substantial expertise in cybersecurity.

“Despite this progress, the cyber insurance market is still less mature and remains by nature more volatile compared to other lines of business.”

He continues, “One of the major tasks for the market is to continue maturing, expanding expertise, and creating a sustainable market with a clear risk appetite.”

Kreuzer explains that Munich Re plans to further enhance its expertise in cyber by “continuing to invest in in-house expertise globally and internal collaboration across business units, and across its central units.”

However, he stresses that internal…

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