FERMA publishes Policy Manifesto urging EU leaders to make Europe “risk ready for a brighter future” | Analysis


FERMA has released its EU Policy Manifesto which presents its priorities for the policymakers in the EU Institutions for the next institutional mandate (2024-2029) and outlines how the Federation can contribute to these.

The Policy Manifesto, “Making Europe risk ready for a brighter future”, details four pillars which FERMA believes EU leaders must address to help bolster the overall resilience of the Europe Union. These are:


  • Simplifying the regulatory maze to keep European companies competitive
  • Supporting the transition to net-zero by taking a risk management approach
  • Building a more cyber secure and resilient EU
  • Bolstering the EU’s preparedness and response capabilities for future crises

These priorities have been established following a survey and comprehensive discussions with FERMA members.

Tackling increasing regulatory complexity

The Manifesto raises concerns regarding the proliferation of EU rules and requirements over the last five years.

While highlighting positive developments such as the adoption of risk-based approaches in policies and the use of risk assessments to guide policymakers’ decisions, FERMA believes simpler rules and simplified…

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