How to Measure Your Company’s Cybersecurity Exposure


Cybersecurity, in particular, poses significant financial threats. Yakir Golan, CEO of  Kovrr, explores how companies can quantify and mitigate these risks for a secure future.

Risk analysis and mitigation are critical, even if often undervalued, processes rooted in data that help organizations identify, assess, and address potential risks.

Nowadays, they can feel like incredibly tenuous tasks. Risk is lurking around every corner. From the perceptible impact of climate change to devastating geopolitical conflicts and protracted economic uncertainty — future-focused business decisions are becoming extremely difficult to make.

JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie DimonOpens a new window captured this sentiment during a recent company earnings call, noting, “This is the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades.” 

While the implications of any single factor can be challenging to assess, one type of risk is almost certain to impact companies of every size in every sector in 2024 and beyond – cybersecurity. 

Indeed, few risks are as potentially costly and consequential as cyber attacks. According to the PwC Pulse Survey, executives and decision-makers recognize…


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