Miller launches dedicated parametric business unit, hires Glenister to lead


Miller, the independent and private equity funded broking group, has announced the launch of a dedicated parametric risk transfer focused business unit, hiring Alice Glenister to be head of the global team.

Miller is just the latest broker to formalise its parametric insurance, reinsurance and risk transfer service offering under a dedicated global unit.

As we said recently when Gallagher announced the launch of a dedicated parametric unit, while we’ve been covering parametric risk transfer structures and arrangements for over a quarter of a century, we have never seen such interest in this product set, as we are now seeing emerge in 2024.

We’re even at the stage of parametric risk transfer market growth where highly-respected and senior industry executives who told us only a few years ago that parametrics would never gain any scale, are now doubling-down on the opportunity (we won’t name names).

If we had a parametric risk transfer hype cycle, we would surely be at or nearing the peak. It’s taken a long time to reach the so-called peak of inflated expectations, given parametric triggers have been in use for over 30 years, but it’s a positive sign that finally the market is waking up…
