Customs and Border Protection Hack Reveals More Than Private Data


The cyberattack on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency last month, identified the need for cyber vigilance everywhere. In the details of the attack, hackers gained access to information collected by CBP. The unauthorized access netted the hackers hundreds of thousands of photos of border crossers and license plate numbers of vehicles. This information belonged to individuals and business who traverse the U.S. – Mexico border. And although most of them are legally using U.S. ports of entry, criminals now have information that could be exploited for gain in the near future. 

CBP is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) organization with a mission that involves ensuring legal immigration and security at our borders. The attack revealed that the Government’s security network security mechanisms haven’t received the same attention as physical security. The CBP hacking incident raises serious questions about privacy and critical personally identifiable information being collected by all government entities. Is the data secure and how does the government know it’s secure?

Border Security

As most people are aware, turmoil at the southern border has…

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