10 questions brokers should ask clients about 3D printing


Clients making use of 3D printing may necessitate a fresh risk assessment. (Shutterstock) Clients using 3D printing may necessitate a fresh risk assessment. (Shutterstock)

With the rise of additive manufacturing (AM), a wide range of users now have 3D printers at a keystroke, and can produce physical objects without the use of traditional manufacturing tool and die fixtures or injection molding.

Inexpensive parts for everyday goods, for example, are now being produced with affordable 3D printers and then sold to consumers by individuals or small businesses.

On the other end of the 3D printing spectrum, aerospace, automotive and medical device companies are innovating with machines costing upwards of $1 million.

Innovation brings opportunity as well as implications that must be considered. This article provides guidance on how this emerging technology can affect an insured’s Intellectual Property (IP) and Product Liability (PL).

There also is a checklist of 10 questions at the end for brokers to share with clients as part of their risk assessment. These clients may include product manufacturers, 3D printer manufacturers, product retailers, service bureaus, and printers who provide printing and shipping 3D…

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