10 Questions Directors Should Discuss With C-Suites


Many corporate boards have made significant progress about understanding the importance of cyber security to the competitive health and sustainability of the companies they oversee.

They’ve certainly gotten the message that cyber security is not just an IT issue.

And, within the portion of board meetings devoted to risk assessment, cyber security is almost always one of the top items on the agenda.

But most board directors have yet to move far enough along to become as effectively equipped as they should be to intelligently gauge the extent to which their firms’ management teams are at the top of their games in the war on corporate cyber-attacks. 

Few board members engage C-suite executives in meaningful dialogue on the specific strategies they’re undertaking to reduce vulnerabilities to hacks and why particular approaches rather than others are being employed.

I know this firsthand: both from the corporate boards on which I serve and from the boards I advise on…

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