19 АПРЕЛЯ 2018 — Risk Forum Hong Kong — РИСК-АКАДЕМИЯ


Алексей Сидоренко выступит на Risk Forum в Гонгонке 19 апреля 2018.

Risk pitch: It’s time to think differently about risk management
According to outspoken risk thought leader Alex Sidorenko, risk management should not be viewed as a separate, stand-alone process. Instead, risk analysis needs to be integrated into the various decision-making processes of a company.  Alex explains why.

Fireside chat: The practical challenges of integrating risk and decision-making
Lauren Gow, editor, StrategicRISK sits down with Alex Sidorenko to discuss the challenges of integrating risk into decision-making, how Monte Carlo simulations, scenario analysis and decision trees are critical risk tools and the impact of cognitive bias on risk perception.

РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ: http://riskforum.strategicrisk-asiapacific.com/hong-kong/

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