2024 Shareholder Meeting Agenda | Corporate Compliance Insights


2024 Shareholder Meeting Agenda

What’s in this report from BDO:

Over the past year, public companies entered a new age of disclosure, where the margin of error has virtually disappeared in the eyes of many stakeholders. 2023 saw the introduction of major global regulations, continuing labor stressors including sector-halting strikes, new technology-related risks and a surge in new sustainability-related stakeholder expectations of companies. Each of these forces compounded the effects of global macroeconomic uncertainty surrounding inflation and timing of interest rate changes.

As boards prepare to meet increasing demands for transparency during the upcoming proxy season and shareholder meetings, BDO’s 2024 report presents the top challenges and opportunities that boards and management teams should consider, including:

  • Cyber risk and generative AI
  • Climate regulations
  • Board structure and skills
  • Compensation
