3 (More) Considerations to Weather Transformation


Disruptive innovation has a clear impact on the half-life of companies’ business models. Protiviti’s Jim DeLoach continues a two-part series covering how industry disruption and digital transformation present a new frontier of opportunity and risk that is shaping – and speeding up – business model changes.

This article is the second of a two-part discussion regarding the strategic imperative of managing digital disruption. The initial installment of this conversation focused on three topics germane to this imperative: evaluating digital readiness, understanding what transformation entails and focusing on resiliency and agility.

Below, we address three additional, equally relevant aspects of managing digital disruption.

Keep an Eye on the Customer Experience and Competitive Advantage

From the perspective of executive management and the board, there is an important overriding question: How is the change the organization is undergoing, or expects to undergo, affecting the customer experience? Management and the board must work together to ascertain how the company can get, and stay, ahead of its customers and competitors.

This is not solely about technology; it is more about the business model. Technology is merely a tool or vehicle for achieving the company’s goals for delivering exceptional products…
