3 Ways to Strengthen Your Cyber Defenses

By taking proactive action, organizations can face down threats with greater agility and earned confidence.

Security professionals are under much pressure. It’s understandable: Within the past 12 months, 61% of US and European businesses suffered a cyberattack, up from 45% in 2018, and the figures are higher in every category of breach, according to cyber insurer Hiscox. The frequency of attacks is also up, with the number of firms reporting four or more incidents increasing from 20% to 30% over the same time period.

As cyberattacks increase in volume and get more sophisticated – and hackers become more agile – CISOs must do more to build a comprehensive security strategy that can protect critical assets, monitor impact, and recover from any unexpected attacks or disruption. Building defenses will also require a fundamental shift in thinking. Security and IT leaders should take a hard look at how they’ve been working and ask themselves: Is my security posture really rock-solid? Have I taken care of the IT hygiene basics that are so often the cause of successful breaches? And what are those core fundamentals I should implement to ensure the risk of cyberattacks is minimized…

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