34% of employees say their company doesn’t follow basic cybersecurity


More than one-third (34 percent) of full-time employees at companies in the US admitted to not practising basic cybersecurity protocols during COVID-19, according to a new survey report from Visual Objects, a visual guide to finding and hiring the best creative firms.

Despite increased risk due to remote work, employees said their companies aren’t requiring secure wifi networks, phishing training, two-factor authentication, VPNs, or password managers.

Cybersecurity experts such as Darren Deslatte, vulnerability operations leader of Entrust Solutions, believe that companies are hesitant to invest in cybersecurity due to the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. However, lax cybersecurity protocols can be financially detrimental, he noted

“A single data breach can easily shutter a business forever, so it’s important to maintain your cybersecurity at all times, even in difficult circumstances,” Deslatte said.

Currently, 35 percent of employees are required to use a secure wifi network for work activities.

This makes secure wifi requirements more common than all other basic cybersecurity protocols, including VPNs (31 percent), two-factor authentication (31…

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