3rd Croatian Disaster Risk Assessment Adopted


March the 23rd, 2024 – The third Croatian Disaster Risk Assessment was recently adopted by the government, via which fifteen different risk types were assessed.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, at its session on Wednesday, the government adopted the third Croatian Disaster Risk Assessment, in which fifteen risks were assessed through the categories of unacceptable, tolerable and acceptable in order to define investment priorities in all segments of disaster risk management.

Interior Minister Davor Božinović revealed the fact that the government has so far passed two Croatian Disaster Risk Assessments (back in 2015 and then again in 2019) which mainly kept pace with the changes caused by climate change and all of its accompanying threats.

“Due to the increasing trend in the number of major accidents and disasters taking place, as well as their increasing complexity, from epidemics, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, bird flu, swine flu… it’s necessary to redefine and assess risks we’re faced with and adapt them to new times. This also involves the international standard disaster risk management system,” he explained.

Therefore, he added, a third Croatian Disaster Risk Assessment was…
