4 Common Mistakes When Calculating Threat Event Frequency For Web Apps


When it comes to the frequency half of the FAIR model, I consider Threat Event Frequency (TEF) king. Yes, in Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR™), all of the ontology is important. But mistakes with Threat Event Frequency act as a multiplier.

We see this when analysts new to FAIR are working on Threat Event Frequency for web applications. A common use of RiskLens is to prioritize remediation efforts for web applications. Using FAIR provides a consistent and contextual way to identify what matters.

Bryan Smith is CTO of RiskLens and leads development of the RiskLens enterprise cyber risk quantification platform and other quantitative risk management products and services.

But if TEF is incorrectly derived, the analysis can run aground. Fortunately, mistakes made with Threat Event Frequency are often simple and easy to avoid.

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Threat Event Frequency in FAIR Cyber Risk Analytics

But first a quick recap of Threat Event Frequency. “Threat Event Frequency is the probable frequency, within a given time frame, that threat agents will act in a manner that may result in loss.” (from the…

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