4 things SMEs need to know about COVID cyber risks


The global COVID-19 storm has transformed the way the world conducts business and, more specifically, what can be accomplished digitally.

And while we all long for the human touch and personal interaction, a post-pandemic world of greater online functioning is unfolding before our eyes.

But, with greater digital dependency and reward, comes greater risk in the form of cyber threats.

Major corporates have sophisticated and multi-layered internal security systems to safeguard sensitive and valuable data, and to protect clients and customers.

However, many small to medium enterprises (SMEs) across the continent don’t have access to, or budget for, sophisticated IT security infrastructure and highly skilled IT teams.

It is also these small businesses that are mostly at risk.

They are viewed as easy targets by cybercriminals, especially during a period of prevailing uncertainty and financial decline.

Here are some of the latest scams and tactics that all small business owners should be aware of:


Phishing works by duping users into thinking that they are logging into a legitimate site (through spoofing), only to have them (unintentionally) share…

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