4 Ways to Compete With ‘Born Digital’ Organizations


Competing with “born digital” organizations has become a top risk for boards and c-suite leaders. The term generally refers to organizations founded from the mid-90s with internet-era information and digital technologies at the heart of their operating models.

According to Protiviti and NC State University’s seventh annual “Executive Perspectives on Top Risks Survey”, business leaders across the globe are most concerned about their company’s ability to transform their operations and infrastructure going into 2019, so that they can compete with organizations that are “born digital”. FEI Daily spoke with Protiviti managing director Jim Deloach about what more traditional organizations are doing to remain competitive.

FEI Daily: How are older, more traditional organizations attempting to compete with those that were “born digital”?

Jim Deloach:  I think there are several things they need to be focusing on. First of all, take stock of their digital readiness. Meaning, where are they on the digital maturity continuum? When you look at the skillsets and the competencies that digital leaders have, and you use that to construct a continuum ranging from skeptics…

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