5 Fundamentals of Successful Data Security Management


Organizations collect, store and manage more data today than they have ever done before. Businesses have a regulatory obligation to keep sensitive data protected from internal and external cyber threats, but implementing a successful data security strategy is no easy task.

Data security involves the combination of cybersecurity best practices and technologies to ensure organizations are able to better protect their sensitive data from modification, malicious or accidental destruction or theft. 

Learn The Top 8 Data Security Best Practices 

Yet data security is a complex process. It requires organizations to gain complete visibility into their data, evaluate the risk associated with their attack surface and then implement improved data protection tactics that mitigate those risks. 

In this blog, we look at five fundamental steps of successful data security management. 

Data Protection Solutions Guide

1 – Data visibility

You can’t protect what you don’t know you have. In many cases, valuable information on a company’s network is not protected or recoverable, primarily due to the business’s inability to find it. Organizations cannot protect their data if they don’t know what data they have,…

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