5 Multi-Cloud Strategy Issues that Today’s CIOs Need to Worry About


By Enterprise Security Magazine | Monday, September 09, 2019

The pace at which organizations are adopting multi-cloud strategy is growing. However, there are some hurdles that the CIOs should look upon.

FREMONT, CA: Since companies are unable to source everything they require from one provider, they are adopting the multi-cloud strategy in an effort to meet their organizational requirements. However, to savor the sweetness of the fruit, you have to face skyrocketing challenges.

Challenges CIOs can face while adopting a multi-cloud strategy:


When an enterprise runs across multiple clouds, spanning a range of geographic regions, it can be hard to find out where the data is physically residing. This is an issue as it is a requirement to find the location of data to remain compliant with CJIS government regulations, and HIPAA healthcare, among others. Being skeptical about the data’s location can also put the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance at risk. GDPR requires clients to be made aware of a data breach within 72 hours of realization of the attack. In this scenario, it becomes more complex…

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