7 DevSecOps myths and how to overcome them


DevOps and security teams have long been at odds with each other over the software delivery pipeline. DevOps teams have historically viewed security teams as the “release prevention department” with overly conservative approaches to risk mitigation. Meanwhile, security teams think accelerated software releases pose too great a risk to governance, security and regulatory controls. To reconcile the two, many organizations have tried to shift security and compliance left by implementing measures earlier in the development process.

DevSecOps myths

While this limited DevSecOps approach does improve the quality and delivery of the software, it doesn’t solve the whole problem. Forward-thinking enterprises have realized that it’s not enough to shift security and compliance left; they need to shift them everywhere.

By including security and compliance processes in end-to-end automation, businesses can secure software throughout the whole software supply chain, significantly improve the developer experience, and accelerate safer delivery. To achieve this, enterprises need to overcome these seven common DevSecOps myths that are preventing them from making the shift.

7 DevSecOps…

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