76% of Security Pros Admit Securing Their Cloud Environments Is a Struggle

  • Most security professionals have difficulty maintaining security configurations in the cloud
  • 22% still assess their cloud security posture manually
  • Security pros confess they need more automated enforcement

Organizations face shortcomings in monitoring and securing their cloud environments, according to a survey of 310 security professionals.

Some 76% of security professionals in the survey conducted by Dimensional Research for Tripwire said they have difficulty maintaining security configurations in the cloud. 37% said their risk-management capabilities in the cloud are worse than other parts of their environment, and 93% confessed they were concerned about human error accidentally exposing their cloud data.

Malicious actors typically run automated searches to find exposed cloud instances containing sensitive data, making it critical for organizations to monitor their cloud security on a recurring basis and plug holes quickly and efficiently, researchers said. Yet only 21% of organizations assess their overall cloud security posture in real time or near real time, the study found.

And while 21% said they conduct weekly evaluations, 58% do so only monthly or less frequently. Despite…

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