81% of businesses think attack is likely in the next 12 months – Back End News


The lack of ability to detect zero-day attacks is among the top 5 risk factors for organizations according to the latest Cyber Risk Index (CRI) by cybersecurity solutions firm Trend Micro.

Trend Micro commissioned Ponemon Institute to survey more than 1,000 organizations in the United States to assess business risk based on the difference between their current security posture and their perceived likelihood of an attack. The CRI is a comprehensive measure of the gap between an organization’s current security posture and its likelihood of being attacked.

The current survey shows an increase in the risk, particularly in terms of the attacks targeting organizations.

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“The Cyber Risk Index is a strong tool for CISOs to use when assessing their security posture in this ever-changing landscape,” said Dr. Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder of Ponemon Institute. “Building on the benchmarks established in the 2018 survey, IT security leaders can easily distill the multitude of infrastructure and threat changes in a meaningful way.”

Trend Micro’s CRI also found that 65% of businesses surveyed…

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