90% in operational tech sector face cyber attack every 2 years


A subset of data from a December 2018 survey shows that nine out of 10 companies which can be put in the operational technology sector face cyber security threats at least once in two years.

The study was carried out by the Ponemon Institute for security firm Tenable; the data was culled from an initial study of 2,410 IT and IT security practitioners in the US, the UK, Germany, Australia, Mexico and Japan.

The responses of 701 companies that belong to the energy and utilities, health and pharmaceuticals, industrial and manufacturing and transportation sectors were extracted and used for the figures issued on Monday.

Key findings:

  • C-level technology, security and risk officers are most involved in the evaluation of cyber risk as part of their organisation’s business risk management.
  • Forty-eight percent in the OT sector (vs 38% in the non-OT sector) attempt to quantify the damage a cyber event could have on their business – and they’re most likely to quantify the impact based on downtime of OT systems.
  • Concerns about third parties misusing or sharing confidential information and OT attacks resulting in downtime to plant and/or operational equipment increase…

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