OMB Releases Damning Report on U.S. Govt’s Inability to Counter Cyber Threats


The United State’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) oversees the implementation of the president’s objectives in the areas of policy, budget, management and regulation. To that end, the recent government-wide cybersecurity risk assessment, carried out by the OMB, in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), highlights several serious issues that continue to imperil federal cybersecurity and ultimately put the nation at risk.

The risk report examined federal agencies’ ability to, “identify, detect, respond, and if necessary, recover from cyber intrusions, in accordance with Executive Order 13800. The actions discussed in this report aim to improve government-wide governance processes and implement cybersecurity capabilities ‘commensurate with risk and magnitude of the harm’ that the compromise of a Federal information system and information would entail.”

The OMB and DHS found that 71 of 96 agencies have cybersecurity programs that are either at risk or high risk. The OMB and DHS assessed the performance of 96 agencies across 76 metrics and identified the four core actions they deemed necessary to address cybersecurity risks across the Federal…

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