According to OMB, 3 out of 4 agencies is risking cyber attack
Approximately three out of four federal agencies are at significant risk from cyber attackers, according to a May 2018 report from the Office of Management and Budget.
More specifically, 71 of 96 federal agencies participating in the assessment were found to have cybersecurity programs that were either at risk or at high risk, findings OMB said demonstrate the need for “bold approaches” to improve federal cybersecurity.
Just 25 agencies were reported to be managing risk using recommended tools and policies.
The report is a product of President Donald Trump’s 2017 executive order on cybersecurity, which mandated risk assessments for all federal agencies. Two long-familiar problems — old tech and the lack of a qualified cyber workforce — were blamed for leaving many agencies vulnerable to modern-day hacking groups, and both weaknesses will be the focus of future reports by the American Technology Council and the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security.