Trump demands Canada dismantle supply management or risk trading relationship


U.S. President Donald Trump says Canada will have to dismantle its supply-managed dairy system or else Americans will dramatically curtail its trading relationship — a shot across the bow at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has vocally defended the country’s existing agricultural policies in the face of U.S. opposition.

“No tariffs, no barriers, that’s the way it should be and no subsidies. In other words, let’s say Canada, where we have tremendous tariffs. The U.S. pays tremendous tariffs on dairy, as an example, 270 per cent … we don’t want to pay anything, why should we pay anything?” Trump said, referencing the Canadian tariff imposed on U.S. and foreign milk imports.

Canada levies a tariff of 270 per cent on milk, 245 per cent on cheese and 298 per cent on butter in an…
