Gartner: Privileged Access Management is the #1 Cyber Security Priority for 2018


A recent report from Gartner reveals the top IT Security Projects for 2018 with Privileged Access Management as #1, Application Control #4 and Protecting Endpoints #6.

Before we get into why Privileged Access Management (PAM) is the #1 Cyber Security Priority in 2018, let’s take a quick look at what lead up to this change

Senior executives are more involved in cyber security than ever before.  In fact, cyber security is top of everyone’s mind in today’s hyper-connected world.  Yet in spite of this, breaking news announces one cyber-attack after the next—from ransomware to data breaches and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks—usually attributed to cyber-criminals or nation states, and almost always beyond our own country’s borders and laws.

So, with a limited budget, the CISO is continuously searching for ways to protect the business, partner and customer data they have been entrusted with, while at the same time looking to add value to the business.

But traditional security perimeters are no longer effective alone

The traditional security perimeter is proving to no longer be an effective cyber security control, and fast-growing technologies like cloud,…

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