What is the role of port state control in enforcing cyber security?

What is the role of port state control in enforcing cyber security?
Norton Rose Fulbright partner Philip Roche: “US Coast Guard will over-regulate and over-fine”

Norton Rose Fulbright partner Philip Roche believes port state control will play a limited role in enforcing cyber security.

Mr Roche, an expert on maritime law, told attendees at the European Maritime Cyber Risk Management Summit in London the shipping industry was likely to continue to rely on classification societies and P&I clubs to understand regulatory compliance.

“It’s hard to see a port state control officer – a guy who’s been at sea, who understands engines and fuels and lifeboats – suddenly becoming armed with the ability to check a ship’s cyber security,” Mr Roche said.

“It seems to me a lot of reliance is going to be – as it is now – put on classification societies certifying whether a ship is safe to go to sea. Under SOLAS … under Marpol, and those kind of things.”

In addition to class notations Mr Roche said the industry could also see something akin to an international oil pollution prevention certificate which ships would carry around to prove they are compliant.

“What I can see is port state control doing basic checks. I cannot see them doing…

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