New PAC calls for a 3rd party efficiency audit into city of Austin


AUSTIN (KXAN) — Calls for more efficient government spending in Austin are getting louder. 

A newly-formed PAC, “Citizens for an Accountable Austin,” says it has 17,000 of the 20,000 signatures needed to put a petition on the ballot, and let voters decide if they want a third-party audit of all city departments. 

Outside of the back gate to Barton Springs Pool, a young man carrying clipboards could be heard time and time again saying, “Hi guys, are you all city of Austin voters?” 

He continued, “I’m trying to get some support for a city audit, we want to make sure taxpayers know where their money’s going, try to minimize waste in the city government.” 

From Barton Springs to the Bullock Museum, Friday afternoon, “Citizens for an Accountable Austin” was trying to find…
