Gartner Identifies The Top Six Security And Risk Management Trends


Analysts Will Explore the Trends Security Leaders Face During the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, 10-11 September 2018, London, UK

Business leaders are becoming increasingly conscious of the impact cybersecurity can have on business outcomes. Gartner, Inc. said that security leaders should harness this increased support and take advantage of six emerging trends, to improve their organisation’s resilience while elevating their own standing.

Trend No. 1: Senior Business Executives Are Finally Becoming Aware That Cybersecurity Has a Significant Impact on the Ability to Achieve Business Goals and Protect Corporate Reputation

IT security is a board-level topic and an essential part of any solid digital business strategy. Business leaders have not always been receptive to this message, but a recent string of high-profile incidents have changed sentiment.

Prominent examples include an Equifax data breach that cost the CEO, CIO and CSO their jobs; a WannaCry attack that caused worldwide damage estimated at between $1.5 to $4.0 billion, and Verizon’s recent $350 million discount on its purchase of Yahoo! as a result of the latter’s data…

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