One easy way for retailers to manage cyber risk


Retailers can reduce cyber liability risk if managers know exactly where computer files containing sensitive information is stored.

Many retailers are “expanding their digital footprints” and storing personal information – such as customers’ names and addresses – on computers, noted Rocco Galletto, leader of Deloitte’s Cyber Security Managed Services practice in Canada, in an interview Friday.

Quite often what happens is a retailer “didn’t realize that a particular piece of data” was on “that particular” computer server or electronic storage device, suggested Galletto, commenting in general and not on any particular retailer.

A breach of sensitive data can be caused by “physical theft of electronic data,” a malicious insider or employee error, notes Wawanesa Insurance.

A retailer can be punished by government privacy officers – and even sued by people whose sensitive information was compromised – in the event of a data breach. This is true even if the retailer is innocent of any wrongdoing and the customer does not suffer a financial loss.

For example, Home Depot – whose payment card system was hacked in 2014 – agreed as…

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