Is personal information about you or your family discoverable in the public domain?



Is personal information about you or your family discoverable in the public domain? As we share more details online, the discovery of information by third parties is often overlooked. This could involve anything from stolen credentials sold on the dark web to your location details being available online. Such information could threaten the physical and/or financial security of you and your family.

DigitalTrace is an online profiling, monitoring and data breach alert solution from NYA. Designed for individuals, families and organisations, the service produces timely and accurate intelligence, so you can take immediate action to limit potential damage to your physical and online security and reputation. We offer a flexible service that can be tailored to your needs.

We recently provided a family who had been the benefactor of a substantial lottery win with consulting services supported by information gathered from NYA’s DigitalTrace platform. Using surface, deep and dark web sources, our analysts identified what information was discoverable about the family online and highlighted any concerns or security vulnerabilities. Ongoing…

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