Hanover council briefs | Hanover Post


Hanover mayor Sue Paterson presents Hanover Fire Department chief Jeff Dentinger with the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal during the Sept. 4 committee-of-the-whole meeting. The medal honours members of a recognized Canadian fire service who have completed 20 years of service, 10 years of which have been served in the performance of duties involving potential risks. Exemplary service is characterized by good conduct, industry and efficiency. Dentinger has been with the Hanover department for 20 years, which includes being the chief since July 2017.

Derek Lester / The Post

Drinking water

Hanover council carried a vote to accept, as information, the internal audit, management review emergency training exercise and external audit that have been completed since July 2017 as presented in a report during the committee-of-the-whole meeting on Sept. 4.

Director of public works Ron Cooper submitted the Drinking Water Quality Management System annual update and stated the internal audit was Oct. 2 and 3, 2017, the management review was Nov. 29, the emergency training exercise was Nov. 30 and the external audit was May 11, 2018.

In the report Cooper…
