Jane Austen’s heroines can teach us a lot about risk management, says Harvard professor Mihir Desai

INTRO: Finance has become so complicated and jargonised that few outsiders understand it. Mihir Desai, who teaches at Harvard’s business and law schools, in his book The Wisdom of Finance, uses humanities to rehabilitate and demystify finance. He tells Narayanan Krishnaswami how finance can be fixed.

Ever since the financial crisis of 2007-08, there has been hostility towards corporations. Why?

The main reason that corporations face hostility is that people have convinced themselves that capitalism isn’t working. The puzzle, in a way, is that the great successes of market-based capitalism, have been greeted with great unhappiness because of some outcomes. And that’s the central conundrum. I’m not trying to suggest that everything is great. All I am saying is that the notion that everything is going to hell is not true. There are areas where we aren’t doing well — particularly the risk of environmental catastrophes, the stagnation of median wages in developed countries, and nuclear proliferation. But in economic terms, there is a lot to be proud of — just think of the people lifted out of poverty in the last three decades. Moreover, I’m more worried about the kinds of…
