RSA launches cyber product for global businesses | Latest News


RSA has extended its suite of products to include cyber solutions for large and multinational businesses to protect against the growing threat of cyber security breaches.

The new offering, which is an evolution of its existing cyber product for SMEs, has been designed to help companies by providing comprehensive cover, assistance with risk assessment, and provision and management of the post event services that a company needs following a cyber attack.

Cyber Protection from RSA now provides standalone, comprehensive worldwide cover of up to £25 million in capacity, assistance with cyber risk management and a 24-hour incident response service, delivered with Crawford and Company.

Standard cover includes:

  • data liability and network security liability
  • multimedia liability
  • regulatory costs, fines and penalties
  • cyber business interruption and contingent business interruption
  • payment card industry expenses
  • cyber extortion and payment diversion fraud
  • breach response including notification costs, IT forensic costs credit monitoring costs (see product brochure for full list of response costs)
  • reputational and crisis management expenses
  • mitigation and emergency costs and…

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