Study Findings on Risk Management Are Outlined in Reports from Florida International University (Likelihood estimation of secondary crashes using…


Study Findings on Risk Management Are Outlined in Reports from Florida International University (Likelihood estimation of secondary crashes using Bayesian complementary log-log model)

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Insurance Weekly News — Investigators discuss new findings in Risk Management. According to news reporting out of Miami, Florida, by VerticalNews editors, research stated, “Secondary crashes (SCs) occur within the spatial and temporal impact range of a primary incident. They are nonrecurring events and are major contributors to increased traffic delay, and reduced safety, particularly in urban areas.”

Funders for this research include Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Florida International University (FIU), University of North Florida (UNF).

Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Florida International University, “However, the limited knowledge on the nature of SCs has largely impeded their mitigation strategies. The primary objective of this study was to develop a reliable SC risk prediction model using real-time traffic flow conditions. The study data were collected on a 35-mile I-95 freeway section for three years in Jacksonville,…
