State audit finds city lacked internal controls | News


ANDERSON – An audit by the Indiana State Board of Accounts was critical of the Anderson controller’s office and Community Development Department for a material weakness in internal controls for tracking federal funds.

The 2017 audit was made available to city officials on Sept. 17 with the city responding corrective action would be completed by Monday.

Concerning the controller’s office the audit stated this was a repeat finding from the immediate past audit report filed by the state agency.

The finding was that the city did not have a proper system of internal control in place to prevent, or detect and correct errors on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA).

“The City had not established effective internal controls over the federal award information entered into the Indiana Gateway for Government Units financial reporting system, which was the source of the City’s SEFA,” the audit states. “Although the City had procedures in place to provide for a review and approval of information reported on the SEFA, the controls were not effective as the SEFA was…
