Welcome to Our Brand New Newsletter, ‘The Daily List!’


Starting today, this new email format will highlight 5 original stories along with the current trending stories on the Risk & Insurance® website. This new newsletter simplifies and consolidates the multiple newsletters we used to send on a weekly basis. You can expect to receive “The Daily List” on most work days — we skip the days you have better things to do, like holidays and summer Fridays.

This new email is part of a broader revamp of our entire digital publishing platform. If you haven’t visited us in a while, check out our new homepage, updated with relevant and interesting content each day.

Also be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. And, as always, we highly value your continued support and welcome any feedback you might want to share. Feel free to reach us at riskletters@lrp.com.

The post Welcome to Our Brand New Newsletter, ‘The Daily List!’ appeared first on Risk & Insurance.
