Business Continuity Management: Managing Risk and Improving Recovery


Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Time: 2:00 p.m. EDT (GMT -4, New York)
Duration: 1 Hour
Event Type: Live Webinar
Cost: Free

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Business Continuity Management (BCM) enables organizations to manage risk and enable better, faster recovery following a disruption. BCM involves proactive risk identification to limit potential damage to an organization’s brand, capital, functions, and revenue.

Disruptions range from man-made events (i.e. cyber or terrorist attacks) to natural events (i.e. extreme weather or natural disaster). Given today’s environment, it’s not a matter of if a disruption will occur but when a disruption will occur.

DuPont Sustainable Solutions (DSS) believes that BCM is the continuous improvement of an organization’s recovery capabilities. During this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Characteristics and behaviors of resilient organizations
  • The key elements of the DSS approach to business continuity
  • How DSS clients successfully managed business disruptions and lessons learned


Technical Details

This webinar will be conducted using a slides-and-audio format.  After you complete your registration, you will receive a…
