Ross Nodurft, former White House Cyber Chief (Includes interview and first-hand account)

Ross Nodurft has moved to One World Identity (OWI) from the White House, where he ran the cybersecurity team at the Office of Management and Budget. Nodurft has worked for worked for two administrations, undertaking duties such as briefing senior leaders on incidents and partnering with the National Security Council to develop U.S. cybersecurity and identity management policies.

Nodurft’s role at OWI is as Vice President for Risk Management. He is well placed to discuss cybersecurity, identity, and incident response policy for businesses and individuals.

Vice President for Risk Management at One World Identity

Vice President for Risk Management at One World Identity

Ross Nodurft

Digital Journal: How great is the threat of cybersecurity to the U.S.?

Ross Nodurft: Every day the U.S. Government faces threats from nation state actors, cyber criminals and hackivists trying to steal data and money or gain some advantage over the American people. There is a low barrier to entry for bad actors to use information technology to spy, steal, or disrupt the way that we do business.

DJ: Where are the main threats coming from?

Nodurft: When folks ask me this I like to break it down into the who and the…

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