Policing officials under criminal investigation over interest-free loans | UK news


Three senior officials at a Police Federation branch are under criminal investigation over their handling of funds, including receiving interest-free loans worth tens of thousands of pounds, the Guardian has learned.

An investigation has begun into the former secretary of the West Mercia branch Jamie Harrision, who has been suspended from his role with the federation.

The two others under investigation are the former chair Sgt Russ Yeomans and another official, Sgt Nigel Mortimer, who led on conduct for the branch.

The inquiries started following an internal audit by the national Police Federation, which highlighted “business practices and policies” that aroused concerns, a spokesperson said. The expenses claimed are also being examined.

The Police Federation has reported the concerns to West Mercia police’s professional standards department, triggering two inquiries: a criminal investigation to see if the police officers broke the law and should stand trial; and an inquiry to see if police disciplinary charges should be brought.

The Police Federation said the West Mercia branch was believed to be the only one of 43 local federations that offered senior officials interest-free car…
