Examining Cybersecurity from a Risk Management Viewpoint


By Edward J. Hawkins, II

Contributor, InCyberDefense

In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity has a lot of different meanings, depending on your understanding of cybersecurity and how it is used in a business environment. What is even more confusing is the number of definitions that define this term.

For example, the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) defines cybersecurity as: “Strategy, policy, and standards regarding the security of and operations in cyberspace, and encompass[ing] the full range of threat reduction, vulnerability reduction, deterrence, international engagement, incident response, resiliency, and recovery policies and activities, including computer network operations, information assurance, law enforcement, diplomacy, military, and intelligence missions as they relate to the security and stability of the global information and communications infrastructure.”

This definition includes some terms common to risk management. Depending on how you view risk – whether as a threat and vulnerability reduction, an incident response or resiliency –cybersecurity risk management has a significant impact on an…

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