What 9 Cybersecurity Research Reports Show About the State of Risk


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Cybersecurity vendors and organizations put out a steady stream of research, sometimes in support of a product, but it almost always has something to say about the state of cyberthreats. Research released in October 2018 provided insight into a broad swath of the cybersecurity landscape, including IoT, compliance, threat hunting, two-factor authentication (2FA) and cloud security. We summarize key takeaways from nine of those reports — and the controls that enterprise could implement to protect themselves against those risks.


Beazley Breach Insights Report

Ransomware demands spiked in the third quarter of 2018, according to the Beazely breach insights report for October 2018. At the top end of the scale, when criminals target a specific organization, ransomware demands reached a high of $2.8 million. Overall however, Beazley Breach Response (BBR) reported that the median demand is $10,000, which is still a 10X jump over the average $1,000 demand from the company’s October 2016 breach insights report.

“Unfortunately it is often smaller…

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