2018 Innovation Awards: Cyber Risk Assessment Program


FM Global


FM Global’s Cyber Risk Assessment Program will not only help risk managers better assess their cyber risk, it will encourage cooperation with their information technology departments, said Jeffrey Tilley, vice president and manager of cyber hazards at FM Global.

Use of FM Global’s patented tool, which is a 2018 Business Insurance Innovation Awards winner and free to FM Global policyholders, involves answering 70 multiple-choice questions.

When the questionnaire — which is not used for underwriting purposes — has been completed, policyholders immediately receive an overall cyber risk score as well as scores for their governance, insider threat management, IT security and response and recovery.

This is followed by a more in-depth report. FM Global then reviews the policyholders’ results and develops recommendations and priorities that “align with their business priorities,” Mr. Tilley said.

“Over the years, cyber’s developed as a top-tier concern for business executives, and it’s been recognized that it has to be managed as an…

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